This is a pseudo D&D story driven event where digital dice will be used to determine outcomes of actions made by the customers. (Mr T and Jen will help you as needed. Digital Dice will be provided by T3)
Once combatants have been decided Roll D6 for Initiative (High Roll Wins)
To Attack roll a (D20)
The to Hit needed is The AC of the opposing Fae
Each successful attack = 1 hit (unless stated differently or if special ability is used)
Once Hits are reduced to 0 that Fae is knocked unconscious
Mr T will Play the Dark Fae and Jen will play the Light Fae on behalf of the customer.
AC = Armor Class
SV = Saving Throw allowing you to possibly mitigate the effects of certain attacks
DR = Difficulty Rating (How many Hits needed to knock unconscious.
D4 = 4 sided Dice
D6 = 6 sided Dice
D8 = 8 sided Dice
D10 = 10 sided Dice
D12 = 12 sided Dice
D20 = 20 sided Dice
The winning side (Light or Dark) will win potion bottle Key Chains to be included with their order.